October BOM (make in September)

The October Block of the Month (to be made in September) is a Log Cabin block using Red and Green Christmas fabrics with a gold center square.

Cutting Directions:

2 1/2′ x 2 1/2″ gold (not yellow, not brown) square for the center.  If you need a gold center square please contact me and we can make arrangements–I handed them out at the meeting on Thursday.

From the red fabric:

**I will label them Red1, Red2, and Red3 if you are using different reds for each layer.  I will do the same with the greens

Red1:  2″ x 2 1/2″                                       Green1:  2″ x 4″

2″ x 4″                                                               2″ x 5 1/2″

Red2:  2″ x 5 1/2″                                       Green2:  2″ x 7″

2″ x 7″                                                                2″ x 8 1/2″

Red3:  2″ x 8 1/2″                                       Green3:  2″ x 10″

2″ x 10″                                                               2″ x 11 1/2″

Here are the pieces laid out the way they will be sewn together.


Begin with the center gold 2 1/2″ x 2 1/2″ square and the red 2″ x 2 1/2″ piece.  Join the red piece with the gold piece along the 2 1/2″ side of the red.  Press toward the red piece.  Add the 2″ x 4″ red piece to one side as shown below.



On the side opposite the 2″ x 2 1/2″ red piece, add the 2″ x 4″ green piece, followed by the 2″ x 5 1/2″ green piece on the last side of the gold square.



Follow this pattern with Rows 2 and 3, keeping the reds on the same sides as the red fabric and the greens on the side of the green fabric.  The block should measure 11 1/2″ x 11 1/2″ when all of the pieces are together.


Just as a side note, we struggled to find enough red and green Christmas fabrics to do this block because my Christmas stash is VERY small.  Here is a picture of my entire Christmas stash.



If you would like to see some interesting layouts for this block, here is a good link:  http://www.connectingthreads.com/tutorials/Inspiration-Log_Cabin_layouts__D68.html


September BOM (make in August, bring to September meeting)

This month’s block is a disappearing 9-patch.  I really like the end product and I’d love to see several blocks put together in a quilt.

So….here goes!

Begin with 5″ squares in fall colors.  Four of these squares should be dark and five squares should be lighter.


Sew these squares into a traditional 9-patch.


(I placed my block onto a smaller cutting board so I could turn the block between cuts without moving any of the pieces that I’d already cut.)

Cut through the center of the block (2 1/4″ from the seam), then turn and cut through the center of the block the other direction.


Rotate the top right and the lower left pieces to achieve the layout shown below.


Sew the pieces together as it is laid out and your block will be finished.  It should look something like this:


Quick and easy but looks more difficult than it really is!


Here are the printable instructions.  disappearing 9 patch-1

The UFO Project

In January we had a very good program at one of my quilt guild meetings.  The speaker’s name was Mary Huey (www.maryhueyquilts.com) and she inspired me to get to work on my UFOs.  It has taken me until July to get to it.  Yesterday I came down to my studio with the intent to finish a UFO.  I chose one off of my shelf and posted a picture of the pieces on Facebook in order to motivate me to finish it quickly.


I had 5 blocks ready.  I’ve already made this quilt once with my mom’s help.  We each bought this kit in Sitka, Alaska in 2008.  Thankfully my mom made me get my pictures cut out of my fabric after we finished hers.  I tried to get out of doing it, but she insisted that I wouldn’t ever get it done if I didn’t at least get that part done at that time.  She was right!  Thank you, Mom!

So after briefly glancing over the pattern I got to work.  I didn’t take the time to completely read the pattern because, after all, I’ve made this quilt before (4 years ago!)  I got the frame pieces and corners cut out, pressed and sewn onto each “photo.”  It wasn’t until I started to lay out the blocks that I realized that half of the photos were to be framed in the blue and half with the black.  I was NOT going to tear half of my blocks apart to change a mistake that only I would know about.  Okay, now you know about it too.

I was able to get the four columns put together yesterday afternoon before my monster headache came on.  It is very rare that I have a headache like that–I hope it isn’t an aversion to UFO completion!


This morning I came downstairs and finished adding the borders.  NOW it goes into the “to be quilted” stack.  My mom will be happy since hers has been sitting in that stack for a few years now.  I’ll be quilting them onto the same piece of backing.  One step closer, but at least that is one UFO ready for quilting!


August BOM (Piece in July, Bring to August meeting)

If you have any questions about this block you can fill out the following contact form and I will get back with you as quickly as I can.

My friend, Bobbi, was finally able to join us at Evenin’ Bee last Monday.  It was just Chris H., Kathy S, Bobbi and myself and we needed to put the August block of the month together.  With the crazy summer schedules we had not really talked about what we were going to do yet.  Bobbi opened up the project she brought to work on and immediately had our full attention.  We loved it so much we made a snap decision to use her block for our block of the month!  The piecing is unique yet easy and it makes a complicated looking block.  So here goes…..

Choose two fabrics — one print and one fabric that reads as a solid.  This month, let’s use  some bright, summery colors.  Cut an 8½” square from each fabric.  Lay the two squares right sides together.  On opposite corners mark (or pin) 2″ from the edge of the fabric on the seam line.  Sew the two squares together as indicated by the diagram below.

August BOM drawing1DSCN0026some

Next line your ruler up diagonally on the corners that are completely sewn and cut the squares in half.


Without flipping either side over, lay one cut triangle on top of the other so you have two identical triangles stacked together.


**For the next step it is important that you use either a turntable type cutting board or a smaller cutting board that you can rotate.  You will be making 2 cuts without picking up any of the pieces in between cuts.

Line your ruler up to measure 2 inches from one of the sides of the triangle and cut.


Rotate your mat and cut 2 inches from the other side.  Your triangle set will look like this.


Now you may pick up your pieces and press your seams (either to the darker fabric or open).

Lay the pieces out as shown below.


Sew the two center pieces together to make a 4-patch and then sew the pieces together as if you were making a 9-patch


The corners will be longer than the rest of the block.  Please DO NOT trim.

If you prefer to use a printed instruction sheet, please note that it will be two separate downloads.  Page one is the link that says August 2013BOM pg 1 and the second page is the picture you see just below the link.

August 2013 BOM pg 1

August 2013 BOM pg 2

Table runners

I spent last week visiting my mom who lives in the Metro Illinois St. Louis area.  One of my sisters also lives nearby.  My sister is in the process of making some color changes in their living area, which includes their living room, casual dining area and kitchen.  One of the days that my niece and nephew were at my mom’s for the day we made a quick trip to Jackman’s Fabrics (http://www.jackmansfabrics.com/) to choose some fabric to surprise my sister with a table runner in her new colors.  While at Jackman’s I also purchased the wedge ruler that I have had my eye on for some time.  Here are some pictures of the table runner .

Kat's table runner

Kat’s table runner



Although the image appears to be a light blue, it is actually aqua.  I used Susan Cleveland’s method of inserting some orange piping into the border.  (http://www.piecesbewithyou.com/)


After it was done, my mom wondered if I might make one for her.  She already had fabric that she could envision me using.  It is not quilted yet, but it shall be much easier for me to quilt on my longarm than it was for me to quilt my sister’s on my mom’s domestic machine.  (Yes, I am spoiled)

Here is my mom’s table runner, still in progress.  As you can see it still uses the wedge shape, but I changed it a little leaving more negative space to quilt.  I thought the negative space worked well with the oriental prints that mom provided.



Now play time is over and it is time to get back to work.  I decided that this summer I am going to take one day a week to work on my own projects and work on customer quilts on the other days of the week.  So far I have enjoyed my one play day!


June BOM

I must apologize for not getting the June BOM tutorial up until this morning.  We were ready to post it last night during the Evenin’ Bee and actually had a great start until I started looking for the first photo.  The photos weren’t on my computer!  When I take photos with my phone they are automatically uploaded to my DropBox which I can also access on my computer.  (I LOVE DropBox).  However, when I took the photos two weeks ago I was very excited to use my new camera.  I waited for this camera to go on sale for two reasons:  1)  It was purple  2)  It was WiFi.  I couldn’t wait to try it out, so I’m not sure why I waited so long to try it out.  I had taken the BOM pictures with it, but had not yet downloaded them.  So last night after the girls went home EARLY (seems there was some basketball game they wanted to watch) my husband and I started working on the WiFi set up.  I had spoken to a couple of sales people about this phone who had told me what a great feature the WiFi was because I would be able to download my pictures directly to my computer without having to drag out cords, etc.  NOT!!!  What the WiFi ACTUALLY does is connect to your smart device.  Soooo….I could take pictures with my camera, download them to my phone and THEN download them to my computer.  Not sure how that makes my life easier than just pulling out the USB cord and putting them directly onto my computer.  At least my camera is still purple.

Soooooooooo….on with the BOM post.

We are approaching the patriotic time of the year so the BOM will be a star in red, white and/or blue.  The featured technique this month is one method of constructing flying geese.  Here is a picture of the finished sample.  (<—this is where I got stuck last night)


This block will be a 12 1/2″ unfinished block.  You may use any combination of red, white and/or blue fabrics.  Please try to keep it patriotic looking.


(A & B should be cut from the same fabric)

A          Corner squares — cut 4 — 3 1/2″ x 3 1/2″  (background fabric)

B          Side rectangles–cut 4 — 3 1/2″ x 6 1/2″  (background fabric)

C          Side squares–cut 8 — 3 1/2″ x 3 1/2″  (these will be your star points)

D          Center square–cut 1 — 6 1/2″ x 6 1/2″

Using a pencil, on back of C squares draw a line from one corner to the other.  Place (C) square on one end of (B) rectangle and sew on drawn line.



Cut away excess and press.  Place another (C) square on the other end of the same (B) rectangle and repeat.  The second seam will sew over the first seam forming a beautiful “V” shape.


When you have four flying geese assembled lay them out as shown below.


Sew a flying geese unit to the center square so the point is next to the center square.  Place another flying geese unit to the opposite side of the square.


Sew 2 corner (A) squares to both ends of the remaining flying geese units and line them up as shown.


Sew the three units together and you should have a beautiful, patriotic Sawtooth Star block!

p.s.  Thank you to Carol K. for suggesting a patriotic star block for this month!  Please let one of us know (or just use the comment section here) if there is a technique you would like to try or a favorite block you would enjoy making.


Here is the instruction sheet if you would prefer to print it out.

June Sawtooth Star-2

May Block of the Month


At the Quilt Connection Guild meeting on May 2nd we will do the block of the month quickly before the auction begins.  We will have the regular drawing for the blocks but we will also have ANOTHER DRAWING as well.  Here is what you need to do to have your name put into the second drawing:

**Post a comment at the end of this blog post indicating that you will use either the tutorial or the directions that are posted here online.

**Each person leaving this comment will be entered into the prize drawing.

**Sign your post with your first name and last initial so I know whose name to put into the drawing.

We are trying to cut back on the amount of paper that we are using while still having copies available for those who do not have online access.  (And if you are anything like me, you don’t have to worry about misplacing that piece of paper).


We are calling this block “Slice and Dice.”.

You will need a 9½” square of any fabric that is either solid or reads as a solid.  (If you can squint and still see a pattern in the fabric, then it does NOT read as a solid.)

You will also need two 1½” by 12″ strips of a black (not grey, navy, etc.)  and white (not tan, beige, ecru, etc)  print.  We will provide enough black and white strips for each person to make one block.  You will need to use your own fabric if you wish to make more than one.

2013-04-15 18.41.12

Using your rotary cutter and ruler, make one cut through the block as shown above.  You can cut it at any angle you choose.

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Using a ¼” seam allowance, sew one of the 12″ strips to one of the edges and press.

2013-04-15 18.51.10

Trim the black and white strip even with the main fabric.

2013-04-15 18.53.53

Sew the other piece of the main fabric to the black and white strip.

2013-04-15 18.54.13

Turn the block ¼ turn and repeat the process, intersecting the first black and white strip.

**Note:  When you sew the second piece onto the black and white strip, please be sure that the black and white strip lines up even if the outside edges do not line up.

**DO NOT TRIM!!!  Since the blocks will not all be exactly the same size, we will leave the squaring up and trimming to whoever takes the blocks home with them.

2013-04-15 20.43.32

These are the samples we made that will go into the drawing.


Here is the printable instruction page.  You may click on it to open and print it.   May BOM-Print